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How to Rollback Your WordPress Version
How to Rollback Your WordPress Version
Rapyd Team avatar
Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

Rolling back your WordPress version is a fundamental process that website owners and developers should be familiar with to maintain website stability, ensure a seamless user experience, and prevent downtime due to compatibility or security issues.

Why is the WordPress Version Rollback feature useful?

Compatibility Issues

Updates to WordPress core or Plugins can cause conflicts with other elements of the website. This can result in issues such as broken functionality, Plugin or Theme compatibility issues, or even a complete website crash. Rolling back to a previous version can restore website functionality and prevent loss of traffic and revenue

Security Concerns

WordPress releases regular security updates to address vulnerabilities. However, sometimes these updates can introduce new vulnerabilities or issues. Rolling back to a previous version of WordPress can be necessary to maintain website security and prevent cyberattacks

Testing Updates or Changes

Rolling back to a previous version of WordPress can be useful for testing changes in a controlled environment. This can help website owners and developers identify and address any issues before implementing changes on the live website

Rollback WordPress Version: the Traditional Method


Before proceeding with the rollback process, ensure the following:

a. Backup your WordPress files and Database

b. Deactivate all Plugins and switch to a default Theme

c. Download the desired WordPress version from the release archive

d. Access to your web Hosting account (cPanel, Plesk, or other)

e. Use a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client such as FileZilla

f. Familiarity with WordPress and basic web hosting concepts

Step 1: Backup Your WordPress Files and Database

Before attempting a rollback, create a complete Backup of your website. This includes all WordPress files and the Database. The Backup can be done using Rapyd Dashboard, various plugins such as UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy, or manually through your web hosting control panel.

Step 2: Deactivate All Plugins and Switch to a Default Theme

Deactivate all installed Plugins and switch to a default Theme like Twenty Twenty-Three. This ensures that any compatibility issues with Themes or Plugins will not hinder the Rollback process.

Step 3: Download the Desired WordPress Version

Visit the release archive and download the desired version in a .zip file format. After that Extract the files to a local folder on your computer.

Step 4: Access Your Web Hosting Account

Log in to your web hosting account and navigate to the control panel (cPanel, Plesk, or other). Next, Access the file manager to locate your WordPress installation files.

Step 5: Delete Existing WordPress Files

Delete all existing WordPress files, except for the following:

wp-content folder

Note: Deleting the files listed above can result in data loss or website malfunction. Proceed with caution.

Step 6: Upload the Desired WordPress Version Files

Using an FTP client (e.g., FileZilla), connect to your web hosting account. Navigate to the folder containing your WordPress installation and Upload the extracted files from the desired WordPress version. Ensure that you do not overwrite the wp-config.php, .htaccess, and wp-content folders.

Step 7: Update the WordPress Database (if necessary)

In some cases, Rolling back to an earlier version of WordPress may require updating the database. Before making any changes, ensure that you have a backup of your database.

To update the database:

  • Access your web hosting control panel and navigate to the database management tool (e.g., phpMyAdmin).

  • Select your WordPress database from the list.

  • Look for the 'wp_options' table and click on it.

  • Locate the 'db_version' option_name and click Edit.

  • Update the 'option_value' field to match the desired WordPress version's database version number (found in the 'wp-includes/version.php' file of the desired version).

  • Save the changes.

Step 7: Re-activate Plugins and Theme

Once the rollback is complete, log in to your WordPress admin dashboard, re-activate your plugins, and switch back to your preferred theme. Check your website for any issues and verify that everything is functioning as expected.

The Process to Rollback WordPress Version in a Simple and Secure Way

The Rapyd Dashboard now features an easy and efficient way to Rollback your WordPress site to a previous version. Simply log in to your Rapyd Dashboard and navigate to Cloud apps. Then select WordPress from the left-side menu, and locate the WordPress version sector to see available previous versions.

If any previous version is available, click on it and your site will automatically be rolled back to that version. For a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to manage WordPress versions with the Rapyd Dashboard, please refer to this article: Simplifying WordPress Version Management with the Rapyd Dashboard

Troubleshooting and Common Issues of Rolling Back WordPress Version

1. Incomplete Rollback

If you experience issues after the rollback, double-check that all necessary files were uploaded correctly and that the database version matches the desired WordPress version. If necessary, repeat the Rollback process.

2. Lost Media Files

In case you notice missing media files after the Rollback, check the 'wp-content/uploads' folder to ensure that all files are present. If any files are missing, restore them from your Backup.

3. Broken Links

Broken links may occur if the permalink structure has changed during the Rollback process. To fix this issue, go to the WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to 'Settings' > 'Permalinks,' and click 'Save Changes' without making any modifications. This will refresh the permalink structure and fix any broken links.

4. Compatibility Issues with Plugins and Themes

If you continue to experience compatibility issues with Plugins or Themes after rolling back your WordPress version, consider reaching out to the respective developers for support or finding alternative plugins and themes that are compatible with your WordPress version.


Rolling back your WordPress version is essential for maintaining website stability and preventing downtime. By following the steps outlined above you can efficiently Rollback to a previous version and ensure a seamless user experience.

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