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Backing up Your Site Before Upgrading WordPress Versions
Backing up Your Site Before Upgrading WordPress Versions
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Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

Upgrading WordPress can be tricky and requires careful planning. One of the most important steps is Backing up your website data beforehand. This ensures you have a safety net to fall back on in case anything goes wrong during the upgrade process.

What is WordPress Site Backup and WordPress Version Upgrading

Backup is the process of creating a copy of all the important data, content, files, and settings on your WordPress website and storing it securely in a different location. This location can be an external hard drive, cloud storage, or other remote servers. The purpose of taking this Backup is to ensure that you have a safety net to fall back on in case of hacking, malware attacks, data loss, or other technical glitches that may cause your website to go offline or lose important data.

WordPress version upgrading, on the other hand, refers to the process of updating your WordPress site to the latest version released by They release new versions frequently. Each update comes with improved security features, bug fixes, and new features. Before upgrading to a new version of WordPress, it is crucial to Backup your websites in order to avoid any potential data loss or website downtime.

Why Backup Your Site Before Upgrading WordPress Version?

Prevent Data Loss and Website Downtime

  • Upgrading to a new version of WordPress can sometimes lead to compatibility issues with your website's Themes, Plugins, or customizations, which may result in data loss or website downtime.

  • Taking a Backup of your website before upgrading ensures that you have a copy of all your website data, content, files, and settings, which can be easily restored in case something goes wrong during the upgrade process.

  • Having a website Backup minimizes the risk of data loss and website downtime, protecting your site's reputation and preventing revenue loss.

Protect Your Website from Security Threats

  • Regularly Backing up protects your website data from security threats such as hacking attempts, server crashes, or data loss.

  • In case your website gets hacked or compromised, having a Backup can help you restore your website to its previous state quickly and easily.

  • Backups provide a safety net for your website and ensure that your website remains accessible to your visitors, even in case of security threats or technical glitches.

Save Time and Money

  • Taking a Backup of your website before upgrading can save you time, money, and frustration in case of any unforeseen events.

  • Having a Backup can save you the hassle of rebuilding your website from scratch or hiring a professional to fix it for you in case something goes wrong during the upgrade process.

  • By taking regular Backups of your website, you can ensure that you are always prepared for any potential technical issues or security threats, saving you both time and money in the long run.

To begin upgrading your WordPress website to a new version, it is essential to take a Backup first. Here are step-by-step instructions for performing a complete Backup of your WordPress site:

How to Perform a Complete WordPress Site Backup

Various Backup plugins are available in the WordPress repository, such as UpdraftPlus, BackupBuddy, and Jetpack.

Step 1: Install a Backup Plugin

Various Backup plugins are available in the WordPress repository, such as UpdraftPlus, BackupBuddy, and Jetpack.

Choose one of them, and install it on your WordPress site. For example, we use UpdraftPlus.

Step 2: Activate the Plugin

Activate the installed backup plugin by navigating to the "Plugins" section in your WordPress dashboard. Then click "Activate" under the respective backup plugin.

Step 3: Configure Backup Settings

Now, go to its settings page to configure the Backup settings. In most cases, you'll need to choose the Backup location, frequency, and type of Backup (full or incremental).

Select all the files and data in your WordPress installation for a full Backup, including your Database, Plugins, Themes, and media files.

Step 4: Initiate the Backup Process

After configuring the Backup settings, initiate the Backup process by pressing the "Backup Now" button from the Backup / Restore tab.

The Backup process may take some time, depending on your website's size and your server's speed.

Step 5: Download the Backup Files

Once the Backup process is completed, you can Download the Backup files to your computer. Most Backup plugins allow you to download the Backup files directly from their settings page.

Step 6: Store the Backup Files

You should store your Backup files on a secure cloud storage service such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or Amazon S3. Make sure to keep multiple copies of your Backups in different locations to ensure that you can recover your data if one location fails.

In this way, you can Backup your whole WordPress site. Remember to repeat this process regularly to ensure your website's data is always protected against unforeseen events.

After completing the Backup process, you can begin upgrading WordPress by following the steps below:

Step-by-Step Instructions for Upgrading Your WordPress Website to the Latest Version

Step 1: Check Plugin and Theme Compatibility

Before upgrading WordPress, it's essential to ensure that your current Plugins and Themes are compatible with the new version. You can check the compatibility status of the WordPress Plugin and Theme directories or contact the Plugin/Theme developers for more information.

Step 2: Disable Caching Plugins

Disable any Caching Plugins that you may have installed on your website to ensure that the new version of WordPress is loaded correctly.

Step 3: Download the Latest Version of WordPress

Download the latest version of WordPress from the official website. You can either download and extract the ZIP file to your computer or use an FTP client (FileZilla) to download the files directly to your Server.

Step 4: Deactivate Plugins

Deactivate all of your installed plugins by going to the "Plugins" section from your WordPress dashboard and selecting "Deactivate" from the bulk action dropdown menu. This step will ensure that the upgrade process goes smoothly.

Step 5: Replace WordPress Files

Upload the new WordPress files to your website's root directory using an FTP client. Remember to keep the wp-content folder untouched, as this contains all your themes, plugins, and media files.

Step 6: Run the Upgrade Script

After uploading the new files, go to your WordPress admin panel, and WordPress will prompt you to run the Upgrade script. Click on the "Upgrade" button to start the upgrade process.

Step 7: Reactivate Plugins

After upgrading, reactivate all your plugins by selecting "Plugins" from your dashboard and selecting "Activate" from the bulk action dropdown menu.

Step 8: Check Your Website

Finally, check your website to ensure that everything is running smoothly. Test your website's functionality, and ensure that your themes and plugins are working correctly.

Ensuring the security and optimal performance of your website requires regular Backups and updates of your WordPress version. While traditional methods exist, a new and simplified approach is now available through the Rapyd Dashboard. This dashboard provides a user-friendly interface that streamlines the Backup and Upgrade process, reducing the risk of errors or data loss associated with manual methods. By using the Rapyd Dashboard, you can upgrade your WordPress version quickly and securely, freeing up valuable time and resources to focus on other critical aspects of your business. It even offers to downgrade your current WordPress version without any hassle.

Final Words

Backing up your WordPress website before upgrading to a new version is crucial to prevent data loss and website downtime. By following the step-by-step instructions provided here, you can perform a comprehensive Backup and Upgrade to the latest version of WordPress with confidence. Always remember, regular Backup and Upgrade are essential for maintaining a secure and functional website.

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