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The WordPress Dashboard Explained
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The WordPress Dashboard Explained

The WordPress dashboard is the primary interface for managing your website's content, design, and functionality. It's the basic that you must have to learn.

Before exploring the WordPress Dashboard Panel make sure you get logged into your WordPress account successfully.

Introduction to WP Admin Dashboard

The WordPress dashboard is the first screen you see after logging into your WordPress account. It is the administrative panel that allows you to manage your website's content, design, functionality, and settings. The dashboard is divided into several sections that provide different functionalities, including the menu on the left side and the functions on the right side, the Screen option and login/logout option, etc.

The left side menu and its options are core functions of the WordPress admin panel. First, let's have a brief discussion about the columns on the right side of the screen.


The Activity widget displays a list of recent activity on your website, such as new comments, new posts, and changes to settings. Here's what you need to know:

  • Activity is located on the right-hand column of the dashboard.

  • The widget displays a chronological list of recent activity on your website, making it easy to keep track of what's been happening.

  • You can customize the Activity widget to display only specific types of activity, such as comments or posts.

At a Glance:

The At a Glance widget provides a summary of your website's content, including the number of published posts, pages, and comments. Here's what you need to know:

  • The widget displays the total number of published posts, pages, and comments on your website.

  • It also displays any pending comments that need your attention, making it easy to keep track of your website's activity.

Site Health Status

Site Health Status is a feature in the WordPress admin panel that allows you to monitor the health and performance of your website. It provides an overview of your website's performance, security, and general health, and identifies any issues that may be affecting its performance.

  • It analyzes various aspects of your website and generates a report that highlights any issues or areas for improvement.

  • Site Health Status is divided into two tabs: Status and Info. The Status tab provides an overview of your site's health and performance, while the Info tab provides more detailed information about your website's configuration and environment.

Quick Draft:

The Quick Draft feature is a useful tool that allows you to quickly create a new post from the dashboard without navigating to the Posts section. Here's what you need to know:

  • Quick Draft is located at the top of the right-hand column on the dashboard.

  • To use Quick Draft, simply enter a title and a brief description of your post, then click the Save Draft button.

  • Quick Draft is a great way to jot down ideas for future posts or to create quick drafts on the go.

WordPress Events and News:

The WordPress Events and News widget provides the latest news and updates from the official WordPress blog. Here's what you need to know:

  • The widget displays the latest news and updates from the official WordPress blog, including new features, security updates, and tips for using WordPress.

  • The WordPress News widget is a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the WordPress community.

Screen Options

WordPress "Screen Options" is a powerful feature that allows you to customize your dashboard by adding or removing widgets, adjusting the number of items displayed per page, and more. Here are some key points about Screen Options:

  • Screen Options is located at the top of the WordPress dashboard, next to the Help button.

  • Clicking on Screen Options will reveal a menu that allows you to customize the layout and content of your dashboard.

  • Some of the options you can customize with Screen Options include:

  • Adding or removing widgets from the dashboard.

  • Adjusting the number of items displayed per page.

  • Customizing the columns displayed in lists (such as posts, pages, or comments).

  • Enabling or disabling certain features, such as the Toolbar or the Admin Color Scheme.

The Menu (Left-side Menu)

The menu is located on the left-hand side of the dashboard, and it is the primary navigation tool for accessing different sections of your website. The menu comprises several sections, including

Dashboard Section:

This section is the first screen you see after logging into your WordPress account. It provides an overview of your website's activity, including site stats and recent activity.

  • From this section, you can create new content, view comments, and manage your website's appearance and settings.

Posts Section:

The Posts section allows you to manage your blog posts. Here are some of the tasks you can perform in this section:

  • Create, edit, and delete blog posts.

  • Categorize posts to help organize and search for them easily.

  • Add tags to your posts to help readers find related content.

Media Section:

The Media section provides access to all the images, videos, and audio files you have uploaded to your website. Here are some of the tasks you can perform in this section:

  • Add new media files, such as images and videos.

  • Manage existing media files and organize them into folders.

  • Use the media files in your posts and pages.

Pages Section:

Pages section of the WordPress admin panel allows you to manage your website's pages. Here are some of the tasks you can perform in this section:

  • Create, edit, and delete pages.

  • Organize your pages into hierarchies and customize their appearance.

  • Use pages to create important static content on your website, such as an About Us page or a Contact page.

Comments Section:

This section allows you to manage comments on your website. Here are some of the tasks you can perform in this section:

  • Approve, delete, or mark comments as spam.

  • Customize the settings for comments on your website, such as requiring users to register before commenting or requiring approval for all comments.

Appearance Section:

The Appearance section allows you to customize your website's appearance. Here are some of the tasks you can perform in this section:

  • Change the theme to give your website a new look and feel.

  • Customize the header and footer to include your logo, tagline, and social media links.

  • Use widgets to add functionality to your website, such as a search bar or a list of recent posts.

  • Create and edit menus that appear on your website's navigation.

Plugins Section:

Plugins section of the dashboard allows you to manage your website's plugins. Here are some of the tasks you can perform in this section:

  • Install new plugins to enhance your website's functionality.

  • Activate and deactivate existing plugins.

  • Customize plugin settings to meet your needs.

Users Section:

Users section of WP admin panel allows you to manage user accounts on your website. Here are some of the tasks you can perform in this section:

  • Create new user accounts and assign roles, such as administrator or contributor.

  • Edit existing user accounts and delete accounts that are no longer needed.

  • Manage user settings, such as email notifications and passwords.

Tools Section:

The Tools section provides additional tools to manage your website. Here are some of the tasks you can perform in this section:

  • Import and export content to and from your website.

  • Optimize your website for search engines by setting up SEO plugins and customizing your permalink structure.

  • Create backups of your website to ensure you can restore it in case of a data loss.

Settings Section:

The Settings section allows you to configure various settings for your website. Here are some of the tasks you can perform in this section:

  • Set the site title and tagline to reflect your brand.

  • Manage permalinks to make sure your URLs are user-friendly and SEO-friendly.

  • Customize privacy settings to comply with data protection regulations.

  • Configure email notifications to receive alerts when users interact with your website.

Login / Logout Option

The Login/Logout option in the WordPress admin panel provides access to various account settings and preferences, including the ability to go to the Users option, edit your profile, and securely log out from your WordPress account. Additionally, the Login/Logout option offers options to modify your profile, account settings, timeline, and notifications, making it a convenient tool for managing your WordPress account.


The WordPress dashboard is a powerful and user-friendly interface that provides a wide range of tools and features for managing your website. By familiarizing yourself with the various components of the WordPress dashboard, you can improve your workflow and make the most of this powerful platform. The WordPress dashboard is an essential tool for building and managing your website and is sure to help you achieve your goals with ease and efficiency.

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