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What to do if the .htaccess file is missing?
What to do if the .htaccess file is missing?
Rapyd Team avatar
Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

Within the intricate tapestry of WordPress components, the .htaccess file stands out as a linchpin for various configurations. However, there might be instances where this pivotal file goes missing, causing disruptions. Identifying the absence and taking swift action to restore or recreate it can mitigate potential issues, ensuring smooth website operations.

In the realm of WordPress, even the absence of a seemingly small component like the .htaccess file can ripple into significant operational hitches. Recognizing the symptoms of its absence and acting decisively is imperative for administrators and website owners. This article seeks to be a guiding light in such scenarios, detailing the steps for restoration and ensuring continued site robustness. Drawing from Rapyd's rich reservoir of hosting expertise, this guide simplifies the path forward, even in the face of challenging site hiccups.

The Significance of the .htaccess File in WordPress

A core asset for Apache-based web servers, the .htaccess file facilitates various directives, including URL redirections, directory security, custom error pages, and performance optimizations in a WordPress setup.

Common Indicators of a Missing .htaccess File:

Several signs point towards its absence:

  1. Permalink Issues: Site URLs returning 404 errors.

  2. Access Problems: Difficulty accessing certain directories or pages.

  3. Custom Configuration Loss: Missing custom directives previously set by the administrator.

Steps to Restore or Recreate the .htaccess File

If the .htaccess is missing, follow these steps to restore or recreate it:

  1. Check for Backups: If a recent backup of your site is available, consider restoring the .htaccess file from there.

  2. Manual Creation: Open a text editor, save a blank document as ".htaccess", and upload it to the root directory of your WordPress site.

  3. Using WordPress: Navigate to Settings > Permalinks in the WordPress dashboard, and simply save the settings. WordPress will attempt to generate a new .htaccess file.

Verifying the Proper Functioning of a New .htaccess File

After recreation, ensure its proper functioning:

  1. Check site URLs to confirm they're accessible.

  2. Visit protected directories or pages to ensure security measures are in place.

  3. Review custom configurations, if any, to verify they're operational.

Preventative Measures to Guard the .htaccess File

To avoid future losses:

  1. Regularly back up your site, including the .htaccess file.

  2. Set file permissions judiciously, preventing unauthorized modifications.

  3. Monitor server logs for unexpected activities or changes.


The .htaccess file, with its petite size, wields substantial influence over a WordPress site's operations. Its inadvertent loss can stir a storm, but with the right knowledge and approach, calm can be swiftly restored. This guide, steeped in simplicity and actionable insights, seeks to empower readers to navigate such situations with confidence. Reflecting Rapyd's unwavering commitment to stellar hosting support, this article serves as an anchor, ensuring WordPress sites sail smoothly even when faced with the unexpected.

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