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Managing Custom and Vanity Domains on the Rapyd Dashboard
Managing Custom and Vanity Domains on the Rapyd Dashboard
Rapyd Team avatar
Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

Domain management is a crucial aspect of web hosting. Rapyd dashboard uses Custom and Environment Domain options to simplify domain management, allowing you to focus on building and expanding your online presence. In this document:

What are Custom and Environment Domains?

On the Rapyd Dashboard, the Environment domain serves as a secondary domain that redirects to your "primary" custom domain. When you set up a Custom domain, any user who enters the Environmental domain into their web browser will be automatically redirected to your primary custom domain.

Managing Custom and Environmental Domains

  1. First, click on any cloud application as shown below.

  2. You will find the Domains section under Tools as shown below.

  3. You will now see the Environment Domain and Custom Domain as shown below.

  4. Once you add a Custom Domain, your Environmental Domain will redirect to the primary custom domain.

    Click on Add custom domain as shown below to add a custom domain.

  5. Enter your custom external domain to connect it to the Rapyd platform and click Add Domain.

  6. Once you add your domain, this is how it will appear as shown below.

Next Steps

After completing these steps, your Environment Domain will redirect to the Primary Custom Domain. If you have added an A record to your Custom Domain's DNS records, then your Rapyd site will be live after the DNS updates propagate. Congratulations!

If you've like to test your site with your Custom Domain prior to updating your DNS records, check out the following article to learn how: How Can I Test My Website Before Switching DNS?


Effectively managing custom and vanity domains on the Rapyd Dashboard is a straightforward yet powerful tool for controlling your online presence.

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