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Advanced Caching: Redis and LiteSpeed for Enhanced Website Performance
Advanced Caching: Redis and LiteSpeed for Enhanced Website Performance
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Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

Advanced caching mechanisms, such as Redis and LiteSpeed, play a vital role in optimizing website performance by reducing load times, minimizing server load, and improving overall site responsiveness. Redis and LiteSpeed caching work together to deliver an optimized browsing experience for your site's visitors.

What is Advanced Caching

Advanced Caching refers to sophisticated techniques and technologies used to store and manage temporary copies of frequently accessed data, aiming to improve performance, reduce latency, and enhance user experience. In this context, tools like Rapyd, Redism, and LiteSpeed Cache play distinct but complementary roles.

Redis Object Cache

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a caching system. It improves the performance of the MariaDB database by caching frequently made requests to the database and storing them in RAM. This reduces the need to query the database repeatedly, resulting in faster response times and decreased server load.

Clearing the Redis Object Cache can be helpful if changes made on your website are not appearing on the front end or if the time to load exceeds 500 ms. By clearing the cache, you ensure that the most recent version of your website is served to visitors.

LiteSpeed Cache (LSCache)

LiteSpeed Cache is a server-side caching solution specifically designed for WordPress websites. It provides static HTML caching for logged-out WordPress pages, resulting in faster load times and reduced server resource usage. LiteSpeed Cache works by storing a fully-rendered HTML version of your web pages, which can be quickly served to users without regenerating the entire page from the database and server-side scripts for each request.

If changes made on your website are not appearing on logged-out pages, clearing your LiteSpeed Cache might be necessary. Doing so will ensure that updated content is displayed to your site visitors promptly.

Cache Management on the Rapyd Dashboard

Read the whole process of clearing cache from - Introduction to Cache Management on the Rapyd Dashboard

The Rapyd Dashboard simplifies the process of configuring and clearing the cache for Redis and LiteSpeed. This centralized control allows you to monitor cache status, make adjustments as needed, and ensure your website remains responsive and reliable.

Read about how you can manage your cache in Rapyd dashboard from the document - Managing Cache: Clearing Cache


Advanced caching mechanisms like Redis and LiteSpeed are vital for delivering fast, responsive websites that meet the demands of today's online users. By understanding their roles and utilizing their features effectively, you can ensure your website is optimized for performance and delivers an exceptional user experience. With the Rapyd dashboard, you can easily manage your site's caching, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

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