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How to identify and fix PHP Errors on your WordPress Sites
How to identify and fix PHP Errors on your WordPress Sites
Rapyd Team avatar
Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

PHP errors can cause significant issues for WordPress site owners, negatively impacting performance, security, and user experience. Therefore, it is essential to learn how to identify and fix these errors to ensure a smooth and optimized WordPress site.

What are PHP Errors?

PHP errors are messages that appear when there's a problem with the code used to create a website or application. These errors can happen for different reasons, like mistakes in the code or problems with how the code is set up. They can cause the website or application to stop working or behave unexpectedly.

There are different types of PHP errors, each indicating a different type of problem. By understanding these error messages, developers can find and fix issues with their code.

Types of PHP Errors

There are several types of PHP errors, each indicating a different type of issue with the code. Here are some common types of PHP errors:

Parse Errors: Parse Errors occur when there is a syntax error in the code. These errors happen when the code is not written correctly and PHP cannot understand it. Phase errors are usually easy to spot because they will stop the script from executing.

Fatal Errors: These are the most serious type of PHP errors. They occur when the code is unable to continue executing due to a critical error. Fatal errors can happen for a variety of reasons, such as running out of memory or trying to access a resource that doesn't exist.

Warnings: Warnings are errors that are not as serious as fatal errors. Still, they can cause problems. Warnings are issued when PHP encounters a potential issue with the code. For example, a warning may be displayed if a variable is used without being defined first.

Notices: These errors are the least serious of the four types. Notices are issued when PHP encounters an issue that may not cause a problem immediately but could potentially cause issues later on. For example, a notice may be displayed if a deprecated function is used.

Importance of Fixing PHP Errors

Website Performance

PHP errors can cause websites or web applications to become slow or unresponsive, leading to a poor user experience. Fixing PHP errors can help ensure that your website runs smoothly and efficiently.


These type of errors makes websites vulnerable to security threats. Hackers can exploit these errors to gain unauthorized access to your website or sensitive data. Fixing PHP errors can help prevent security breaches and protect your website from cyberattacks.

User Experience

User experience refers to everything that impacts a website's usability and user satisfaction. PHP errors can be a major source of frustration for users, which can negatively impact their perception of your website or application. By fixing PHP errors, you can improve the user experience and increase user satisfaction. This can lead to more positive reviews, increased traffic, and better engagement with your website or application.


PHP errors can damage your reputation as a developer or business. If users encounter frequent errors on your website or application, they may lose confidence in your brand or product. Fixing PHP errors can help maintain your reputation and credibility.

What Tools Can Identify PHP Errors

1. Debugging Tools: Debugging tools can help identify issues in the code and provide detailed information about the error, such as the location of the error, the values of variables at the time of the error, and the call stack.

Examples: Xdebug, Zend Debugger, and PHP Debug Bar.

2. Error Reporting Tools: These tools can detect and report errors in real-time, allowing developers to quickly identify and fix issues.

Examples: Sentry, Bugsnag, and Rollbar.

3. PHP Monitoring Tools: PHP monitoring tools can be used to monitor the performance of PHP applications and identify errors and performance bottlenecks.

Examples: New Relic, AppDynamics, and Datadog.

4. Code Analysis Tools: Tools of these types can be used to analyze the code and identify potential issues, such as syntax errors, unused variables, and undefined functions.

Examples: PHP CodeSniffer, PHPMD, and PHPStan.

5. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): These tools provide a full-featured environment for PHP development, including debugging and error reporting capabilities.

Examples: PHPStorm, NetBeans, and Eclipse.

6. Web Server Logs: Web server logs can be used to track errors that occur during runtime and provide valuable information about the cause of the error.

Examples: Apache log, Nginx log, and IIS log.

Step-by-Step Process to Identify and Fix PHP Errors

Step 1: Backup Your Site

Before making any changes, create a backup of your site to ensure you can restore it in case something goes wrong.

Step 2: Enable WP_DEBUG

Edit the wp-config.php file and add the following lines of code to enable WordPress Debug mode:

Step 3: Reproduce the Error

Visit the page or perform the action that caused the error to generate a debug log.

Step 4: Review the Debug Log

Access the debug log file, located in the /wp-content/ folder, and review the PHP error messages to identify the issue.

Step 5: Locate the Problematic Code

Identify the file and line number causing the error, as provided in the debug log.

Step 6: Fix the Error

Depending on the error type, take the appropriate action to fix the error:

  • For Syntax Errors: Correct the syntax, ensuring proper usage of semicolons, curly braces, etc.

  • For Fatal Errors: Check if a plugin or theme is causing the error and deactivate it. If the error is due to a missing function or class, ensure the necessary files are included.

  • For Warning and Notice Errors: Review the code for potential issues, such as the use of deprecated functions or incorrect variable usage.

Step 7: Test the Changes

When the errors are get fixed, test your site to ensure the issue is resolved and no new errors occur.

Step 8: Disable WP_DEBUG

Once the errors are fixed, disable WP_DEBUG by setting it to false in the wp-config.php file.

Step 9: Monitor Your Site for Future Errors

Regularly monitor your site for any new PHP errors. Regularly check the server's error logs, or enable WP_DEBUG_LOG to display the errors on your site. This practice ensures you can promptly address any issues before they impact your site's functionality, user experience, or security.

Preventing PHP Errors: Best Practices and Tips

To minimize the occurrence of PHP errors on your WordPress site, consider the following best practices:

  • Properly testing code before deployment is essential to prevent errors.

  • Deprecated functions may cause issues in newer PHP versions, so use recommended alternatives.

  • Use error reporting tools: that can identify and report errors in real time, allowing for a quick resolution.

  • Implement proper error handling to ensure that errors don't interrupt the user experience.

  • Use code analysis tools so that they can detect potential issues in the code, including syntax errors and undefined functions.

  • Updating PHP to the latest version can prevent errors and improve security and performance.


Identifying and resolving PHP errors on your WordPress site is a critical aspect of maintaining its functionality, user experience, and security. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this document, leveraging appropriate tools and plugins, and implementing industry best practices, you can ensure that your site remains error-free and optimized for success. Adopting these measures will enable you to provide a seamless and secure user experience, while also safeguarding the integrity of your site's underlying code.

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