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How to Train Email as Spam/Not Spam in Spam Expert?
Rapyd Team avatar
Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

SpamExperts is an advanced email filtering solution that uses sophisticated algorithms and detection methods to filter out spam emails. Sometimes, however, legitimate emails might be classified as spam or vice-versa. In such cases, you can train the system to recognize these emails correctly. This article will guide you on how to train emails as spam or not spam in SpamExperts.

Introduction to SpamExperts Training

SpamExperts learns from user feedback. By marking emails as spam or not spam, you provide data that helps SpamExperts refine its filtering process, ensuring fewer mistakes in the future.

Why Training is Important

  • Improved Accuracy: The more data the system has, the better its accuracy.

  • Reduced False Positives/Negatives: Proper training reduces the chances of legitimate emails ending up in the spam folder or spam emails in the inbox.

  • Personalized Experience: Training tailors the filtering process to your specific email patterns.

Steps to Train Email as Spam/Not Spam

  1. Login to SpamExperts: Access the SpamExperts dashboard using your credentials.

  2. Locate the Training Area: On the dashboard, find the 'Training' or similar section.

  3. Select the Email: If the email is in your quarantine or log search area, select the email you want to train.

  4. Mark as Spam/Not Spam:

    • If a legitimate email is in the spam folder, select it and click on the "Not Spam" or "Release" button. This will whitelist the email and release it to your inbox.

    • If a spam email is in the inbox, select it and click on the "Spam" button. This will blacklist the email and move it to the spam folder.

  5. Confirm the Action: Some systems might ask for a confirmation. Confirm your decision to train the email.

  6. Check Feedback: Some versions of SpamExperts provide feedback after training, confirming the action's success.

Best Practices

  • Regular Review: Periodically review your quarantine folder to catch any false positives.

  • Whitelist/Blacklist: Use the whitelist and blacklist features judiciously. Whitelist trusted email addresses and blacklist known spam sources.

  • Avoid Overtraining: Only train emails when there's a clear mistake. Overtraining can confuse the system.

  • Report Persistent Issues: If certain types of emails are consistently misclassified, report them to your hosting provider or SpamExperts support.


Training SpamExperts helps enhance its email filtering capabilities, ensuring that you receive legitimate emails while blocking unwanted spam. Regularly interact with the system, marking emails as spam or not spam, to improve its accuracy over time and ensure a seamless email experience.

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