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How to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in WordPress
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Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

Imagine going to a store that has two entrances, one clearly marked as secure and the other not so much. You'd naturally prefer the secure one, right? The same applies to websites; having a secure site, symbolized by HTTPS instead of HTTP in your web address, makes visitors feel safer. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of redirecting your WordPress site from HTTP to HTTPS, essentially leading your visitors through the secure entrance every time they visit your website. And don't worry; we've simplified all the tech jargon for easy understanding.

When it comes to running a successful WordPress site, safety and security shouldn't be overlooked. Just like you wouldn't leave your home unlocked, you don't want your website to be a target for harmful activities. HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP, which is essentially the foundation on which data is transferred between a user's browser and your website. By redirecting HTTP to HTTPS, you're adding an extra layer of security that helps protect both you and your visitors. This article aims to guide you through the simple steps of achieving this, focusing on two methods: using a plugin or editing a specific file called .htaccess. Regardless of your tech skill level, we've simplified everything for you.

Why HTTPS Matters for Your WordPress Website

HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. Think of it like a secure way to talk on the internet. When your website uses HTTPS, the data sent between your website and the visitor is encrypted, making it harder for bad actors to interfere. It's akin to speaking in a code only you and the person you're communicating with can understand. This is crucial for safeguarding sensitive information like login credentials or credit card numbers. Also, search engines like Google prioritize HTTPS websites, meaning your site will rank higher in search results.

Two Ways to Redirect: Plugin and .htaccess Method

There are two straightforward paths to making this shift. One is by using a WordPress plugin, which is like adding an app to your website that does the work for you. The other is by editing the .htaccess file, a small but important file that gives instructions on how your site should behave. It's like setting house rules for visitors.

How to Use a Plugin for HTTPS Redirection

For those who aren't comfortable tinkering with website files, plugins offer an easier route. All you have to do is go to the plugin section on your WordPress dashboard, search for an HTTPS redirection plugin, install it, and activate it. The plugin will automatically redirect all your site’s HTTP traffic to HTTPS. It's like hiring a professional to fix your plumbing—no need to know the details, just let the expert do its work.

How to Edit the .htaccess File for HTTPS Redirection

Editing the .htaccess file might sound technical, but it's just copy-pasting a few lines of code. You can find this file through your web hosting dashboard, often under File Manager. You'll then open the .htaccess file in an editor, paste a particular snippet of code at the end, and save it. By doing this, you're manually telling your website to direct all visitors to the secure HTTPS version. Think of it as setting up a signpost that directs everyone to the safer route.

What to Do If Something Goes Wrong

While the process is generally straightforward, occasionally things might not go as planned. If your website isn't redirecting correctly or it becomes inaccessible, the first thing to do is to reverse the changes you made. If you used a plugin, deactivate it. If you edited the .htaccess file, remove the added lines and save it again. It's like retracing your steps when you get lost; go back to where you started and try a different path.


Switching your WordPress site from HTTP to HTTPS is like moving from a less secure home to a more secure one. It not only protects you but also assures your visitors that they're in a safe space. Whether you choose to use a plugin or edit the .htaccess file, either method is doable even for non-tech-savvy individuals. And if things don't go as planned, remember: it's just a matter of retracing your steps and starting over. With this article as your guide, securing your WordPress website with HTTPS should be a breeze.

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