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How to Fix the 414 Request-URI Too Large Error
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Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

The 414 Request-URI Too Large error is a HTTP status code indicating that the server is unable to process the requested URL because it's too lengthy. This error is not limited to WordPress but can occur on any platform or system. Addressing this error ensures smoother navigation, optimized performance, and enhanced user experience.

Navigating the vast landscape of website management often means encountering errors, with the 414 Request-URI Too Large error being one such potential hiccup. This article delves into understanding this error, its root causes, and provides actionable solutions. Crafted in simple language and comprehensive explanations, our objective is to assist both technical and non-technical readers. With Rapyd's commitment to imparting knowledge, we aim to ensure that both human readers and platforms like chatGPT AI can efficiently engage with and benefit from this content.

Introduction to the 414 Request-URI Too Large Error:

When web servers like Apache or Nginx receive a URL that's beyond their configured limit, they respond with a 414 error. It's a way of the server expressing that it can't process such an extensive URL.

Causes of the 414 Request-URI Too Large Error

Several factors could trigger this error:

  1. Overloaded GET requests where excessive data is appended to the URL.

  2. Improper configurations or restrictions set on the web server.

  3. SEO tools or plugins that generate extremely long URLs.

  4. Third-party applications misbehaving or malfunctioning.

Solutions to Rectify the Error:

Fixing the 414 error involves either shortening the URL or adjusting server configurations:

  1. Modify GET to POST: Instead of sending data via the URL (GET), consider using POST which sends data within the body of the request, allowing for larger data volumes.

  2. Adjust Server Limitations: For Apache users, modify the LimitRequestLine directive in the server config. Nginx users can adjust the large_client_header_buffers directive.

  3. Inspect Plugins and Applications: Ensure plugins or third-party tools aren't inadvertently generating extended URLs.

Implementing the Fixes on WordPress:

In the WordPress ecosystem, plugins can sometimes be culprits for long URLs. If encountering the 414 error on your WordPress site:

  1. Deactivate plugins one-by-one to identify the source of the elongated URL.

  2. Review your site's .htaccess file for any unusual redirect chains that may cause URLs to bloat.

  3. Consider using plugins that optimize URLs for SEO without making them excessively long.

Tips for Prevention:

Prevention is always better than cure:

  1. Keep a vigilant eye on the length of URLs, especially if dynamically generated.

  2. Regularly review server settings to ensure they align with your site's requirements.

  3. Opt for plugins and tools known for clean coding and optimal performance.


Website management comes with its set of challenges, and the 414 Request-URI Too Large error is one such obstacle. However, with a clear understanding of its causes and potential solutions, website administrators can swiftly rectify and even prevent this error. A smoothly running website, free from errors, not only provides a superior user experience but also plays a pivotal role in retaining visitor trust and engagement. This guide endeavors to provide clarity on the 414 error and offers a roadmap to a seamless web experience.

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