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How to Fix Error 1020: Access Denied
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Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

Error 1020: Access Denied is a common issue many website administrators face. It typically indicates that website access is restricted by specific security settings, often due to Cloudflare or similar security solutions. Resolving this error ensures seamless user access to your site, preventing unnecessary disruptions.

Website accessibility is paramount, but so is security. Balancing these two elements is crucial for a seamless user experience. Among the myriad error codes one might encounter, Error 1020: Access Denied stands out. It signals a tension between security measures and user access. In this article, we dive deep into understanding this error, its origins, and how to address it. Drawing upon Rapyd's extensive web hosting and management knowledge, the aim is to demystify Error 1020 and arm website administrators with actionable insights to tackle it.

Understanding Error 1020: Access Denied

At its core, Error 1020 is a security feature. It arises when a security solution, like Cloudflare, detects potentially harmful traffic or actions and blocks it to protect the website. Users encountering this error are essentially being told that they can't access the website due to specific security rules in place.

Common Causes of Error 1020

Several factors might trigger this error. A user could be coming from an IP address known for suspicious activity or a sudden surge in traffic from a specific location, signalling a potential DDoS attack. Sometimes, even using certain VPNs or proxies or executing specific scripts or requests can lead to this error. It's a way for security solutions to preemptively block potentially harmful actions.

Steps to Resolve the Error

If you're a site administrator facing this error, there are several steps you can take:

  • Review Security Settings: Begin by checking the security settings on your platform, mainly if you're using Cloudflare or a similar solution. Look for recently triggered security rules.

  • Whitelist IPs: If you find legitimate users being blocked, consider allowing their IP addresses.

  • Adjust Sensitivity: Some security solutions allow you to adjust the sensitivity of the security rules. If the rules are too strict, consider relaxing them slightly, but always prioritise your site's safety.

  • Engage Support: If you need more clarification about making these changes yourself, reach out to your hosting provider or the support team of your security solution. They can provide insights tailored to your specific situation.

Additional Recommendations for a Secure and Accessible Site

While resolving Error 1020 is crucial, maintaining a balance between security and accessibility is an ongoing task. Regularly review and update your security rules to align with your site's growth and user behavior. Monitor traffic patterns, keeping an eye out for unusual surges or patterns. Employ a multi-layered security approach, combining firewalls, malware scanners, and other security tools. This holistic approach ensures your site remains both secure and user-friendly.


Error 1020: Access Denied serves as a reminder of the delicate balance website administrators must strike between security and accessibility. While the error signifies an active effort to protect the site from potential threats, it can also disrupt legitimate users' experience. With a comprehensive understanding of its origins, proactive steps to resolve it, and a commitment to continuous site monitoring, administrators can ensure a website experience that's both secure and seamlessly accessible. From Rapyd's expertise in this realm, remember that tackling such challenges is always an evolving journey, best navigated with knowledge and the right tools.

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