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What are the Differences Between DNS and Nameserver?
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Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

In the realm of internet infrastructure, DNS and Nameservers play distinct roles in facilitating domain name resolution and storage of DNS records.

Understanding DNS (Domain Name System)

DNS, or Domain Name System, is a crucial technology used on the internet. It converts user-friendly domain names (e.g., into the corresponding IP addresses (e.g., This translation is essential for devices to communicate online.

DNS operates in a hierarchical structure, with distributed servers worldwide. When a user enters a domain name, DNS resolvers locate the IP address by interacting with various DNS servers. The system includes root DNS servers, authoritative DNS servers for specific domains, and supports different record types like MX and TXT. DNS enables seamless internet navigation by bridging the gap between domain names and IP addresses.

Different Types of DNS Records with Example

A Record (Address Record)

Think of the A Record as the "GPS Coordinates" for your website. When you enter a domain name in the search bar—let's say ""—the A Record leaps into action, guiding your browser to the exact IPv4 address where the website lives. It's the hero behind the curtain, making sure you land on the right webpage.

Example: IN A

MX Record (Mail Exchange Record)

Picture the MX Record as the receptionist of your digital office. When someone sends you an email, this virtual receptionist knows precisely where to direct it. MX Records specify which mail servers are authorized to receive emails for a particular domain, ensuring that your correspondences reach their rightful inboxes.

Example: IN MX 10

TXT Record (Text Record)

The TXT Record is the "digital notepad" of DNS records. Often overlooked but incredibly useful, it holds crucial text-based information for various verification processes. Whether it’s for SPF settings, DKIM signatures, or other security measures, the TXT Record is your go-to for a range of configuration data.

Example: IN TXT "v=spf1 -all"

CNAME Record (Canonical Name Record)

Imagine you've got multiple storefronts but one central warehouse. The CNAME Record serves as the digital alias that directs traffic from various subdomains to a single, canonical domain. So, if you have "" and want it to point to "," a CNAME Record gets the job done seamlessly.

Example: IN CNAME

SPF Record (Sender Policy Framework)

The SPF Record is your email's bodyguard, confirming who's allowed to send emails on your domain's behalf. By specifying which servers are authorized, it provides a layer of protection against spam and phishing attacks, making sure your domain's reputation stays pristine.

Example: IN TXT "v=spf1 -all"

DKIM Record (DomainKeys Identified Mail)

Think of the DKIM Record as the "wax seal" on your digital correspondence. It provides a cryptographic signature for your emails, verifying their origin and integrity. By doing so, it assures the receiver that the email has not been tampered with and genuinely comes from your domain.

Example: IN TXT "k=rsa; p=..."

Understanding a Nameserver

A Nameserver is a specialized server that plays a vital role in the Domain Name System (DNS). It is responsible for managing and maintaining domain name records. Nameservers store information about domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. When a user enters a domain name, the DNS resolver contacts the Nameserver associated with that domain. The Nameserver responds to the resolver's query by providing the IP address linked to the requested domain name.

Nameservers are organized in a hierarchical structure that aligns with the DNS hierarchy. They work together to ensure efficient and accurate resolution of domain names. Each Nameserver is responsible for specific domains or subdomains, holding zone files containing the DNS records for those domains.

Difference between DNS and Nameserver

DNS and Nameservers have several differences. Here are a few important distinctions to note.

1. Role and Function

DNS (Domain Name System) operates as a phonebook for the internet. It's the system that translates user-friendly domain names like "" into numerical IP addresses, such as, that computers and servers use to locate each other on the network.

A nameserver functions as the custodian of specific DNS records for a domain. It's like a directory enabler that guides your internet queries to the right location. When a website name is typed into a browser, the nameserver maps the domain name to its corresponding IP address, effectively guiding your request to the correct server.

2. Level of Operation

DNS works at a macro level, providing a broad framework that allows the translation of domain names into IP addresses across the entire internet. It is a globally distributed system.

Nameservers operate at a micro level, managing the specific DNS records associated with particular domain names. They are generally provided by web hosting or domain registration companies for each registered domain.

3. Hierarchy and Interdependence

DNS is a hierarchically structured system, with a distributed database that contains mappings of domain names to various types of data, such as IP addresses.

Nameservers function within the hierarchy of the DNS. They can be either 'authoritative', meaning they hold the definitive set of data for the domains they're responsible for, or 'recursive', meaning they find information from authoritative nameservers if it's not immediately available.

4. User Interaction

End users generally interact with the DNS implicitly whenever they use domain names while using internet-connected services.

Users might interact with nameservers explicitly when setting up their domain, where they're often asked to provide the addresses of their nameservers (typically provided by their hosting company). Otherwise, the interaction is implicit during the domain resolution process.

5. Impact of Failure

If the DNS system fails or experiences a major error, the result can be catastrophic for the entire internet, preventing the resolution of domain names into IP addresses. This could effectively make websites inaccessible, even though the servers hosting them are still running.

The failure of a specific nameserver primarily impacts the domains it is responsible for. If a nameserver fails and there is no backup, the websites related to that nameserver may become inaccessible, even though other parts of the internet remain unaffected.

6. Redundancy and Backup

The DNS is inherently robust due to its distributed nature. It is designed as a network of servers where information is consistently replicated. If one DNS server fails, there are multiple others that can serve the same information, ensuring the internet continues to function smoothly.

Typically, domains have at least two nameservers assigned to them to provide redundancy. In the event one nameserver fails, the secondary nameserver can take over, ensuring the domain remains accessible. This setup is critical for maintaining the high availability of online services.

7. Security Considerations

DNS is susceptible to various types of cyber-attacks, like DNS spoofing or cache poisoning, where an attacker corrupts the DNS entries in the server to redirect traffic to a different website, often for malicious purposes.

Nameservers, as part of the DNS infrastructure, can also be targets for cyber-attacks. An attacker might attempt to overload a nameserver with requests (a DDoS attack), or try to gain unauthorized control of it to manipulate DNS records. This highlights the importance of securing nameservers, often by using techniques like DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions) to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the DNS records they provide.


Understanding the differences between DNS and Nameservers is crucial for grasping the intricate workings of the internet's domain name resolution system. While DNS functions as a distributed system for translating domain names to IP addresses, Nameservers serve as specialized servers responsible for storing and providing DNS records for specific domains. By comprehending these disparities, individuals can gain a deeper appreciation for the critical roles DNS and Nameservers play in enabling seamless communication and accessibility on the internet.

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