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How to combine external CSS in WordPress
How to combine external CSS in WordPress
Rapyd Team avatar
Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

Combining external CSS files in WordPress can enhance your website's performance by reducing the number of HTTP requests and improving loading times. This guide explains the importance of CSS optimization, provides step-by-step instructions on how to combine external CSS files, and recommends best practices for implementation.

Combining external CSS may seem technical, but this article simplifies the process for WordPress users of all levels. It emphasizes the performance benefits of this optimization and provides practical guidance.

Introduction to Combining External CSS

Combining external CSS files involves merging multiple CSS files into a single file, reducing the number of HTTP requests required to load a web page.

Why Combining CSS Files Matters

  • Performance: Fewer HTTP requests lead to faster loading times.

  • Reduced Server Load: Lower server resource consumption.

  • Improved User Experience: Faster sites enhance user satisfaction.

  • SEO Benefits: Page speed is a ranking factor for search engines.

Methods for Combining External CSS

  • Manual Combining: Edit CSS files and consolidate them into one file.

  • WordPress Plugins: Use plugins like "Autoptimize" or "Fast Velocity Minify."

  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Some CDNs automatically combine CSS.

Step-by-Step Guide to Combining CSS in WordPress

  1. Backup Your Site: Always create a backup before making significant changes.

  2. Install a CSS Combining Plugin: Choose a suitable plugin and install it.

  3. Configure the Plugin: Adjust settings to specify which CSS files to combine.

  4. Test Your Site: Ensure that your site still displays correctly after combining CSS.

  5. Monitor Performance: Use tools like GTmetrix or PageSpeed Insights to measure improvements.

Testing and Troubleshooting

  • Inspect your site thoroughly to identify any styling issues.

  • Revert changes or disable the CSS combination plugin if issues arise.

Benefits of CSS Combination

  • Faster Loading Times: Fewer HTTP requests lead to quicker page loading.

  • Server Efficiency: Reduced server load improves overall performance.

  • Improved User Experience: Faster sites enhance user satisfaction.

  • SEO Enhancement: Faster loading times can positively impact search engine rankings.


Combining external CSS files in WordPress is a valuable optimization step that can significantly improve your website's performance. By following the steps outlined in this guide and carefully testing the results, you can achieve faster loading times and provide a better user experience for your site's visitors.

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