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What is a WordPress Slug?
Rapyd Team avatar
Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

In the world of WordPress, the term "slug" might sound a bit unusual. This article aims to demystify what a WordPress slug is, why it's important, and how it plays a significant role in optimizing your website's URLs for both human visitors and search engines.

The concept of slugs in WordPress can be confusing for newcomers. This article simplifies the concept, making it accessible to readers of all levels of technical knowledge while emphasizing its relevance in optimizing WordPress websites.

Introduction to WordPress Slugs

A WordPress slug is a brief, user-friendly text string that appears in a post or page's URL. It helps define the page's topic or content and contributes to a website's overall search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

What Does a Slug Look Like?

A slug typically consists of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens, with spaces replaced by hyphens. For example, in the URL "," "what-is-a-slug" is the slug.

The Role of Slugs in SEO

  • SEO-Friendly URLs: Slugs create clean and descriptive URLs that search engines favor.

  • Readability: Human-readable slugs make it easier for visitors to understand a page's content.

  • Keyword Optimization: Including relevant keywords in slugs can improve SEO.

Customizing Slugs in WordPress

WordPress automatically generates slugs based on a post or page's title, but you can customize them:

  • Edit Permalink: In the post editor, you can manually edit the slug before publishing.

  • Plugins: SEO plugins often provide advanced slug customization options.

Best Practices for Using Slugs

  • Keep slugs concise, relevant, and descriptive.

  • Use hyphens to separate words.

  • Avoid stop words (e.g., "a," "an," "the") in slugs.

  • Incorporate keywords naturally for SEO benefits.


WordPress slugs may appear as a small detail, but they play a significant role in crafting user-friendly, SEO-optimized URLs for your website's content. Understanding how to use and customize slugs effectively can improve your site's readability, search engine rankings, and overall user experience.

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