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WordPress Cron vs. Linux Cron
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Written by Rapyd Team
Updated over a week ago

Server automation is an essential aspect of website management. It involves scheduling and automating tasks such as backups, publishing posts, and updating plugins. Two popular tools used for server automation are WordPress Cron and Linux Cron.

What is WordPress Cron?

WordPress Cron is a scheduling system built into the WordPress core that enables the automatic execution of scheduled tasks, such as publishing posts, sending emails, or performing backups at specific intervals or times. It runs a set of scripts at pre-determined intervals that check if any scheduled tasks are due to be executed and then trigger them if so.

The WordPress Cron system is essential for automating various administrative and maintenance tasks on WordPress websites, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of site management at the application level, meaning that it relies on WordPress itself to trigger scheduled tasks.

What is Linux Cron?

Linux Cron is a time-based job scheduler that is used to schedule and automate tasks on a Linux operating system. It runs in the background and executes scheduled tasks at predefined intervals or times. These tasks can be scripts, commands, or programs that perform a variety of functions, such as running backups, checking system logs, or updating system software.

The Linux Cron scheduler uses a configuration file called crontab, which allows users to specify the exact timing and frequency of each task to be executed. The Linux Cron is an essential tool for automating routine system maintenance tasks, improving system reliability and efficiency, and reducing the workload on system administrators.

WordPress Cron and Linux Cron Use Cases

WordPress Cron and Linux Cron are both powerful tools for automating server tasks, but they excel in different areas. Some examples of use cases for each are given below.

WordPress Cron:

  • Publishing Scheduled Posts: If you have a blog that you update on a regular basis, you can use WordPress Cron to schedule posts to be published automatically at specific times. This is a great way to ensure that your content is consistently published, even if you're unavailable to do it manually.

  • Sending Email Notifications: WordPress Cron can also be used to send email notifications to users when certain events occur, such as when a new post is published or when a user submits a form on your website.

  • Updating Plugins and Themes: This type of cron can automatically check for plugin and theme updates and install them when they become available. This is an easy way to keep your website up-to-date and secure.

Linux Cron:

  • Backups: Linux Cron is ideal for scheduling regular backups of your website and its associated databases. This is an important step in maintaining the integrity of your website. Backups ensure that you can restore all of your data if somehow a data loss or other catastrophic event happens.

  • Database Maintenance: This cron can also be used to schedule regular database maintenance tasks, such as cleaning up old data, optimizing tables, and repairing corrupted tables.

  • Log Rotation: When your website generates log files, they can quickly accumulate and take up valuable disk space. Linux Cron can be used to schedule regular log rotation tasks, which compress and archive old log files and delete them once they are no longer needed.

Difference Between WordPress Cron and Linux Cron


The WordPress Cron is specifically designed for scheduling and automating tasks within the WordPress platform, whereas Linux Cron is a general-purpose job scheduler that can be used to automate any type of task on a Linux system.


WordPress Cron relies on the WordPress API and uses a simple configuration file that can be modified within the WordPress dashboard. On the other hand, Linux Cron uses a more complex configuration file called crontab, which requires advanced knowledge of the Linux command line to modify.


WordPress Cron relies on user activity to execute scheduled tasks, whereas Linux Cron runs in the background as a system daemon and executes tasks regardless of user activity.


WordPress Cron relies on user activity and may not always be reliable, especially for low-traffic websites. Linux Cron, on the other hand, is highly reliable and can be used to automate critical system tasks.


WordPress Cron can use more resources, such as memory and CPU, because it relies on the WordPress core to execute tasks. Linux Cron, on the other hand, is highly efficient and uses minimal resources to execute tasks.

WordPress Cron vs. Linux Cron: Pros and Cons

WordPress Cron and Linux Cron each have their own set of advantages and limitations. Let's take a closer look at what they are.

WordPress Cron:


  • Easy to use, ideal for non-technical users

  • User-friendly interface within the WordPress environment

  • No need to access the command line interface

  • Relies on website traffic to trigger tasks


  • Limited in capabilities compared to Linux Cron

  • May not trigger tasks if website traffic is low

  • Potential security concerns due to executing arbitrary code

Linux Cron:


  • More powerful and flexible than WordPress Cron

  • Allows for more control over task scheduling and behavior

  • Offers time-based and event-based triggers

  • Provides more customization options for task behavior


  • Requires technical expertise to set up and configure

  • Can be more difficult to use than WordPress Cron

  • May require access to the server's command line interface

  • Requires appropriate permissions and security measures to be set up

Final Words

WordPress Cron and Linux Cron are both job schedulers designed to automate tasks on different platforms. While WordPress Cron is a simple and user-friendly tool for scheduling tasks within the WordPress platform, Linux Cron is a more powerful and flexible tool that can be used to automate any task on a Linux system. Ultimately, the choice between WordPress Cron and Linux Cron depends on the specific needs and requirements of the user.

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